
My bff's 2 year old daughter was just diagnosed with brain cancer..
She is to have chemo every week for next 6 months, and then ever other, ever second week for next 1,5 year..They also discovered that she has a genetic illness called NF1 which means she could be having the chemo on and off for years..

And all off this.. It is making me so angry... So angry that this little wonderful beautiful baby girl has to go through all of this.. Lose her pretty curls... Be in pain.. While there are people like my sister who refuse to go to rehab to get rid of her addiction..

I know that addictions and ED's are not easily treated... But after this... I just do not understand why people don't want to get help when they have the option of getting help and becoming healthy..

This little girl has no option...

So if you are reading this.. And you have an ED... Or any other disorder - and have the option of getting help... GO GET HELP and try to get healthy..  Do not waste your life chasing a number, cause there are people, babies.. Who do not have the option of being healthy..

And please keep our little princess in your prayers..

1 comment:

  1. Fy fan så orättvist. Två år gammal! Stackars liten. Stackars familj! :(
