
Boo boo!!!

Can someone please explain the whole honey booboo stuff for me.... I mean I have seen snippets of the thing (mostly on Ellen) - but srsly all I have seen is a fat family being fat.. So why do people bother with it??

Please explain..


  1. I don't understand it either. I don't think it's so much about them being fat as it is about them being (behaving) trashy. Isn't that what reality tv usually is - enjoying watching people behaving badly? lol. It's not my thing.

  2. I honesty don't know. The mom is in her 30's and looks like she's in her 50's. I think it's sad and I don't see how they aren't embarrassed of the whole thing. I can barely even watch the clips of farting and feet smelling. It's just gross. They are making boo koo bucks though so there are plenty of people interested; but not me! I do watch reality TV but even I have to draw the line somewhere.

  3. I actually do think South Park's Raising the Bar episode (http://www.btvguide.com/South-Park/Season-16/episode-9/watch-online) explains it rather well... x

  4. I think the point of it is so people can make fun of them for being rednecks (and a bit uneducated), a lot of people watch it and then go on to comment on how awful it is and yet they keep watching it so it brings in the ratings... which means more money from advertisers thus more money for the TV studios. I don't watch it (or the toddlers and tiaras one which is where this whole honey boo boo thing started) because it bothers me to support this kind of exploitation for the viewing pleasure of others
