
Sometimes I feel so stupid.. 80% of my thoughts goes to my weight, eats, and everything that has to do with weight loss.. While there are people dying, starving everyday..

Lately I have been thinking about how many people could have been fed with all the food I have binged on.. All the food that I just ate to purge... Or all the "diet" food I have bought and then tossed away.. All the food I in name of weight loss have let go bad and not eaten, just to replace it with junk..

I know it's not how things go, but I also know that I should have more respect for food.. For the life and blessings I have been given. Have you ever thought of how we treat food? We slaughter animals, bare mother earth and then process the hell out of it before we fry it and eat it so we can die just a little more inside..

I think if I as a person had more respect for food, where it comes from, how it's made before I put it in my body, I would be so much better off. I would be eating clean, my body would take the nutrients it needs from the food I give it.. Maybe I wouldn't then be in so much pain.. And I know for sure that I wouldn't be morbidly obese..

Imagine how different things would have been if we spend all the time and energy on hating our bodies, on taking care of it... I bet we could have achieved a whole lot more with our lives if we stopped... I know I would..

Anyways.. All this said, I think I am going to make it a new goal.

  • To respect food and where it comes from
  • Respect my body and make peace with it
  • Stop hating everything about me and try to learn and like (and maybe even love) all my flaws
Maybe.. Just maybe, when I treat my self kindly and with respect, my body will restore it self... Wouldn't that be nice???


  1. Kitty, this is possibly the most profound thing I have ever seen you post. I think forgiving yourself for past and current mistakes should be on the list... shaming yourself will not help you grow. You deserve to be strong, healthy, and happy.

  2. If you like to read I suggest these there books.
    The Omnivore Dilemma
    Skinny Bitch
    Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss

    All of them are about what you are talking about and give really good insight. Warning though Skinny Bitch is not for everyone. The chicks curse, give disgusting imagery, and promotes veganism which I don't agree with myself. But I do think they all help you get into the mindset of food being fuel for your body and mind.

    1. Thanks Josie :) I have actually read skinny bitch (I have the collection, and gave the box to a co-worker of mine who wants to go vegan).. They really weren't for me..

      But I will look into the others :) <3

  3. These are the best goals ever!
    I agree 100%. Respect for your food and for yourself is a wonderful aim. I want you to be happy and healthy always, try not to beat yourself up about the past, focus on the future xxx

  4. omg i have that horrible bit where i think about how many people i could've fed just with the food i throw away mindlessly
    "Have you ever thought of how we treat food? We slaughter animals, bare mother earth and then process the hell out of it before we fry it and eat it so we can die just a little more inside.." oh well. tastes good, Cupid. xD
    i want junk calories half the time and dammit, i will feed my body what it craves. then again my diet does change so much it's funny.
    "I think if I as a person had more respect for food, where it comes from, how it's made before I put it in my body, I would be so much better off. I would be eating clean, my body would take the nutrients it needs from the food I give it.. " that paragraph makes me want to bin my chocolate and throw away my crisps and pick up ten apples. wow. you induced this in ME. Sam. queen of convenience and junk food.
    this sounds so lovely. this post is so profound in so many ways. and this must've been just about the best post you've made so far. it's made a lot of sense. it's rational. and it's lovely.

    -Sam Lupin
    PS. i wish you loads of luck.
    PSS. remember: this means that if you binge again, you have to learn not to hate and not to punish. i think that's one thing you're forgetting there! :)

  5. It would be nice. And don't beat yourself up about food you eat. Even if you didn't eat that food it would not go to children in Africa, and starving kids are not your fault.
