

2 days... 2 fucking days on eating big breakfast, eating clean and portion reduced and I am fucking 2,5 kg up!!! How the fuck is it possible?? I am so bloated that laying down I look like as I did when I was 7 months pregnant...

Fuck this shit... I can live without the fruits if it means that I go back to not being bloated and feeling tired and shitty all the time..

I am going back on the strict LCHF first ting tomorrow.. This just is not worth it... I just can not deal with all the fucking food issues anymore... I am so fed up - So fucking pissed...

And just done....

Rant over!


  1. before i comment on your post, i'm going to comment on the reply you left on my blog :)

    "Why would they get angry at you for doing keto?"

    here. the most popular method of weight loss is reducing carbs. everyone knows this. basically, everyone associates low carb diet = weight loss. rapid unhealthy weight loss and whatnot. my parents won't technically get angry for me doing keto - but rather me doing keto for weight loss, because they think i'm pretty skinny and that i'm just going to look sick when i do keto. family.

    friends have similar issues. they are going to have the whole "you don't need to lose any weight". "you need carbs" etc it's going to be a headache so it's best just to do keto without really telling them you're doing keto :)

    -Sam Lupin

  2. "2 days... 2 fucking days on eating big breakfast, eating clean and portion reduced and I am fucking 2,5 kg up!!! How the fuck is it possible?? I am so bloated that laying down I look like as I did when I was 7 months pregnant..." this is exactly how it felt like when i was doing my quality vs quantity thing.
    i felt like i was eating just okay, and then all of a sudden, i just gained all this weight in one go and it's so annoying and confusing. and the bloat!!!
    it'll get better honey. i am in the same boat as you for now.
    plus today, i ate soo many calories because i'm expecting my period, so i just consumed my weight in LCHF foods.

    -Sam Lupin

  3. I'm so sorry you're feeling horrible. Could it just be that your digestive system is in a bit of a shock from the dramatic food change? If you decide you want to try a little fruit or more carb later, maybe just add one small serving each day and wait until you know you are tolerating it well before you have any more (adding a little bit at a time as your body adjust, kind of like the C25K program very gently increases the running). I've never done totally keto so I don't know how bad it is or how long it would last :( Hopefully a few days back on your regular LCHF will have you back on an even keel.

  4. Frukt är fibrer, fibrer kan göra magen väldigt uppblåst.

    Själv törs jag inte äta frukt för jag kan inte sluta. Ett halvt kilo vindruvor äter jag på tio minuter. En hel påse äpplen. Fem klementiner.

    Försöker själv med lite LCHF just nu och har faktiskt gått ner lite, trots att jag inte motionerar.

  5. yeah i've noticed that they seem to die out at around day 20 or so.
    i'll keep it up until then i suppose!
    i liked reading your replies. they made me really know more about you. and i'm glad i got to read most of them before you removed them. :)

    -Sam Lupin

  6. i'll let you know, beautiful girl. i'm very pleased to have you around <3

    -Sam Lupin
