As I mentioned in my last post, I have been thinking about going on a low carb diet. I tried Atkins once and it really worked for me but I got pretty ill from it. The amount of fatty food was too much for me.. My body always reacts if I eat too much fat. I had got pretty ill from the Atkins shakes and bars in too. The day break bars were OK, but the others made me really sick too. Lately I have been reading about how a low carb diet is good for people with Fibromyalgia..
Anywho... I am starting my Low carb diet today. I was thinking maybe I should wait until after the London trip, but then I realized there will always some sort of trip or event or something that will be happening. So I am just tossing myself into it and just starting today. I am going to use the Atkins steps as a guideline. Which means I will keep it to 20 grams of net carbs per day for the next few weeks. This step is supposed to last for 2 weeks. But you can adjust it to your body, so I am thinking about going on this until end of June. July will be 25 grams of carbs. We are going on our honeymoon for two weeks. That is from 01- 13 of August. I am going to just take it easy and relax and enjoy our time while we are away, not counting anything. And then start on phase one again when we get back.
Anyway.. I have gained 2 lbs. It is most likely because I haven't gone to the gym for like 1,5 week. But I have made my peace with it and I am not going to care about the weekend munching and so on. I told my BF that I was going to do the low carb diet and I have been updating him about how it is supposed to work with the fibromyalgia, and so on. I am trying to update him about the food as well, about what I can and can not eat. But that is something that will come by time. The way he is acting when I go on and on about the boring diet stuff is kind of cute hehe.. You can see that he doesn't really get half of the stuff I am blabing about, but he is being really involved, asking questions and he is really trying his best to understand it all.
I am going to put up some rewards for the WL goals. I think it will be a good motivation. I am still going to keep my food diary and keep track of what I eat and not only count the carbs. I know I don't have to, but I kind of like it. Yeah yeah.. I am probably weird.
I have been thinking about low carb as well, but I think for me it would have to be low fat in addition, fat always makes me sick as well! I really hope it helps with your fibromyalgia! Aaawww your fiancé is really cute! :)