

So I got on the scale and I was pretty happy.. Last weeks total loss is now 4.2 lbs and I can not really say I am unhappy about it ^^

I just want to make something clear about my tracking and eats. Since I don't track all the macro nutrients of everything I eat - the numbers on the nutrient report on my last post aren't accurate. I track calories, carbs, fats, saturated fat, protein, and fibre.

I am not worried about my vitamin and mineral intake since I do eat enough greens and I do take the supplements. I take a multi- vitamin, mineral supplement, made for woman which means it also includes iron and folic acid. An additional D supplement cause of my fibromyalgia and a calcium, magnesium combo. I also take extra Iron during that time of the month if my bleeding is strong.

On top of that - I also get my values checked once a year to be sure. I used to have low D, iron and B levels, few years back, so I am extra careful with how and what I eat.

The reason why I just posted the whole nutrition report is cause I really couldn't bother with too much cut and pasting to only put up the stuff I track :) - I might just post the weekly nets from next week hehehe :)


New week, another Monday, and another week of "what to eat" questions ahead. ^^ I have to shorten down my blog time during work cause I have moved my desk and now my hunky teamleader sits right behind me and looks directly at my screen.

I will catch up on the blogs later today..

Loads of love <3


  1. So many vitamins... I take Iron with vitamin C for my anaemia but that is about it. I should probably be taking some sort of multivitamin but they tend to get expensive.

    And congratulations on the weight loss!


  2. Congrats Kitty, you're doing so well! xx

  3. Uggg...I'd hate it if people could see my screen at work..probably b/c I'm doing "other" things so much! Oh well. Keep up the good work this week.

  4. congrats :) I'm really happy for you!
